Sunday, December 26, 2010

Phones and us!

I recently started mind storming about a new article, then when a certain someone asked what people think about certain phones and what we actually use our phones for, I set out on a little survey!

I divided mainly on the basis of gender cause that's the easiest way to break it down to all of you.

I'll start with women! (See, Chivalry hasn't died......yet!)

For most women at least, phone's are status symbol's or fashion accessories to start of with, next comes functionality and features.

For instance, if a woman really liked the way a certain phone looked, she would go an extra mile to learn how to use the phone and its features rather than to use a phone which isn't as good looking.
The iPhone is such a big hit with women cause of this. It's the best of both worlds! It's got the moviestar looks, but its also as easy to use as it is to drive a go-kart.

Women also spend a lot on fashion, I've come to notice that when women say "Fashionable Phones" They don't exactly imply high-end phones with a lot of Precious material's on them. Not the Vertu's and stuff.

Most women don't use their phone's for too many functions, Especially the multimedia ones!
They usually use the main communication features of these devices.

Example, They're more interested in Texting interface, The Facebook app, The twitter app, Email and stuff.

I found very few women who've bought a phone for either its music or camera or web browsing capabilities!

Recently an online survey revealed that 73% of Android users are male. Meanwhile, on the iPhone, iPod Touch and Palm platforms, the ratio of male-to-female owners was more even. However, males were still in the majority even on those devices, accounting for 54% to 58% of the users.

There's lately been a sudden outburst of the number of youngsters wanting to own blackberry's. The reason for this is rather simple. All this comes down to the "HIP" Factor for the majority. I mean look at the number of blackberry's in India without BB Services activated. It's a huge shame.

That said, There are women who buy BB's for their functionalities and lately its rather goodlooks. Functionality here means mainly the paid BB Services. The Push E-Mail and BlackBerry Messenger(BBM) mainly.

"After BBM, I've completely stopped texting people. Texting has become Alien to me." said a Young women owner of a BB 8520 Curve.


Men on the other hand buy phone's based on their usability. The Vibrance of the phone and the feedback it gets. The Multimedia features, the E-Mail Capabilities and the Browsing experience.

It's a known fact that men are more tech-savy than women(No Offense) . When a man wants to buy a device, he usually goes with a fixed mind and know's what he wants. They don't wait around to be impressed by a looker!

Men want features, Blazing speed, Braggin rights of sort. Men use their phone camera's more than ever now as due to the improvement in connectivity, You've just got to snap a picture and sharing is just a few steps away! No more transferring to your PC to share kinda burden.

Music is also another feature. For most men, Audio Quality doesn't matter, it's just how loud your phone rings. For the others, its about proper music, having big memory filled to the brim with audio.

Internet browsing is also on the rise, in India especially with 3G right 'round the corner', There is a huge increase in people buying phones for internet browsing. With Edge , the speeds just weren't enough. With the world moving to 4G (LTE), the browser now is more important than ever before.

Then there are the one's who need the Blackberry.

Unlike women, MOST men have BB's for official purposes. They're the ultimate business phone's. Mainly for its neat Enterprise E-Mail servers. Nowadays most work in the offices are actually done off your e-mail account. So, If you've your complete email with you everywhere you go, it just makes life easy.

Assume that you're late for work, you can start working from your blackberry before you even arrive at work. That's how simple it makes life of a businessman.

Also Unlike women, Men aren't hugely addicted to BBM. It's just an add on service for them. The younger crowd however is hooked onto BBM.

They're on it all the time, They share video's, images, the latest songs and almost everything imaginable under the sun with each other. They're always in touch, they're always updated on each other's location and doings through BBM.

As a conclusion, all I would like to say is that while women share a more showy relationship with their phones, men share a real one.

PR :)


  1. True, Texting has actually come down after the introduction of BBM.
    That basically means a BB is more of a necessity now than to a luxury item that it was considered before!

  2. Blackberry's were never luxury items, them were always a business mans best buddy! Now with Push notifications and BbM, its almost everyone's best bud, it never lets them feel alone, mainly!
